Saacks Orthodontics Newsfeed

Orthodontics Australia recommend an orthodontic assessment between the ages of 7 and 9, or earlier if you notice any issues. At this initial check-up, we can identify potential problems and, if needed, intervene early while the jaw and teeth are still developing.
Orthodontic treatment not only provides straight teeth and confident smiles, but also healthier teeth and gums, improved jaw and facial structure, and reduced breathing problems.
Only an Orthodontist has been specifically trained and is the most qualified and experienced person to ensure you, or your child, ends up with a healthy and confident smile.
Children who don’t breathe properly can experience a range of problems from headaches and trouble sleeping, to developmental issues with their teeth, jaw and face.
You’ve left the toddler tantrums far behind you and navigated your way through the early years of school. Before the middle years approach it’s time to think about teeth.
Invisalign is a great parallel to braces that is often chosen by adults who work in a professional environment.
Braces have become less intrusive and no longer involve bulky metal brackets that must be worn at all hours. With the continual advancements in the field of orthodontics, braces and appliances are now better than ever before.
In today’s fast paced, career driven society, many patients want to straighten their teeth invisibly, but still achieve the same outcome as the results-focused traditional metal braces.
Orthodontic problems are usually apparent by the age of seven, when most of the adult front teeth have come through. To create a smile that lasts a lifetime, children need teeth that are straight and jaws that are aligned properly.
A specialist orthodontist can spot subtle problems with jaw growth and emerging teeth in young children, even while some baby teeth are still present. It’s call interceptive orthodontics.

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